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Is this September the right time for you to move job?

Written by: Gaelle Blake, Director, Hays Permanent Appointments, UK and Ireland
Published on: 13 May 2019

When it comes to work, the summer months offer the thrill of setting your favourite out-of-office reply: ‘I am currently on annual leave and will respond to your email upon my return.’ 

Of course, after your holiday you should return refreshed and ready to tackle whatever your inbox throws at you. But what if the thought of returning to work fills you with dread, and the typical end-of-holiday blues seem shades darker than usual? Are you just missing the summer sun, or is it time to look for a new job? 

If you recognise the 6 signs below, it may be time to move on. 

1. You’re burned-out 

Even the best jobs have moments of stress. However, work stress can feel exciting, representative of career opportunities and motivating you to work harder. It should not be so severe as to make you anxious, impact your ability to perform productively or affect your health or relationships. Yes, some stress is normal – burnout is not. 

2. You’re bored to tears 

At the other end of the spectrum, you may hate going to work every day because you are bored and uninspired. Boredom can be just as insidious as burnout, leaving you feeling demotivated, useless and lacking in confidence. 

3. Every day is Groundhog Day 

Despite repeated requests for more or new responsibilities, you feel like you have been doing the same thing every day since day one. Not only will this be personally trying, but you should also consider how this lack of professional growth will look on your CV or to an interviewer. Put simply, by not learning anything new you are wasting your time.  

4. You feel left out 

…of the important meetings, the big campaigns, any opportunity to shine. You have ideas to contribute and know you’re capable of doing more, but you seem to be overlooked for less qualified individuals or for those who ‘shout the loudest’. 

5. You’ve been overlooked for a promotion 

Despite your best efforts to improve and meet your objectives, you don’t seem to get the recognition you know you deserve. Whilst it’s ok not to be employee of the month every time, if you have been passed over for a promotion on a few occasions, maybe your skills would be more appreciated elsewhere. 

6. You are already looking 

If you dream of finding the perfect job and have already started to look, it might be time to go from dipping your toe in the job-hunting pool to fully committing to your job search. Update your CV by focusing on the skills you have developed in your most recent role, prepare for interviews and contact a recruitment expert. A skilled recruiter will get to know you and what you want in your career, and will be able to match you with positions quickly without you having to spend all your time job hunting. 

September used to be the month of going back to school – but if the thought of going back to work fills you with as much joy as taking exams, it’s time to consider a change. Furthermore, as a result of acute skills shortages, your talents may be in high demand with employers. There are no guarantees, but you could be about to find yourself in a job that makes excited to come back to after a well-deserved break. 


About this author 

Gaelle joined Hays in 1999 and in her time with the business she has led dedicated teams providing expert recruitment services for a wide range of sectors and professions, with a particular focus on construction and property. In 2018 she was appointed the Director for Permanent Recruitment, working across Hays UK and Ireland to improve business performance, drive best practice and shape Hays’ value proposition to both clients and candidates.