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Career insights for 2025 amid a landscape of change

Written by: Hays Senior Finance
Published on: 21 Jan 2025

The ever-changing economic environment has left some professionals feeling uneasy, with fewer than a quarter (24%) of accountancy and finance employees saying they’re optimistic about their career prospects over the coming 2-5 years, according to research carried out by Hays.

The world of work has undergone momentous change in recent years, with the fallout of the Covid-19 pandemic, the rising cost of living, rapid technological advancements and shifting skills demands all having an impact. It’s understandable that, as a result, a large proportion of the workforce is feeling apprehensive, but it’s important to remember that while change can present challenges, it can also bring great opportunities for employees and employers alike.

Our Hays 2025 Salary and Recruiting Trends Guide, which includes data from almost 11,000 employers and professionals, offers valuable insights into the hiring trends impacting the world of work. Read on for some of our key findings and recommendations to support your and your team’s long-term career success amid ongoing change.

AI adoption is limited, despite its benefits

AI tools, when used to their potential, can be extremely beneficial. Our findings show that increased productivity and efficiency are deemed to be the top benefit of AI in the workplace, with 59% of accountancy and finance employees saying this is one of its primary benefits. Improvements in productivity not only support output and organisational growth, but also enable employees to focus on more rewarding tasks as the more mundane, repetitive ones can be supported by AI.

However, only a fifth (20%) of people working in this industry say they’re using AI technologies or tools as part of their current role. The number of employers who say their organisation is recommending its usage is higher, with over a third (35%) saying they are. The discrepancy between employer recommendations and employee uptake could, in part, be down to skills gaps. This may well mean that some workers don’t feel confident using such tools, especially as 90% of professionals in this industry have yet to receive any training or support from their employer when it comes to AI tech.

Upskilling is imperative for long-term career success

With 77% of accountancy and finance employers saying they would be likely to hire someone without all the required skills with the intention of upskilling them, it’s clear that a willingness to learn is highly valued. As well as AI, consider what other digital capabilities you could upskill in.  Continuous learning is essential for staying up to date with technological advancements, adapting to evolving job roles and opening doors to future job opportunities – both within your current organisation and beyond.

It may be worth asking your employer if there are any helpful resources available to help you in your upskilling journey. If this doesn’t exist in your workplace, perhaps seek out learning materials on your own and, if you’re managing a team, encourage them to do the same.

In-demand soft skills are reflective of market conditions

Organisations are increasingly looking for professionals with holistic and cross-functional skillsets, and this goes beyond just technical capabilities. Our findings show that soft skills also have a significant role to play in individual and organisational success.

The most sought-after soft skills in accountancy and finance are: communication and interpersonal skills, the ability to adopt change, the ability to learn and upskill, and flexibility and adaptability. These in-demand capabilities are reflective of the constantly evolving business environment. To be able to effectively contribute to organisational growth in an ever-shifting landscape, you should endeavour to embrace new situations and ideas without resistance.

By making a conscious effort to develop and showcase these soft skills, you should be able to better position yourself to navigate the changing accountancy and finance landscape, future-proof your skillset and support your organisation’s short- and long-term success.

For more insights into the hiring trends currently shaping the world of work, get your copy of our Hays 2025 Salary and Recruiting Trends Guide